AIG Private Client Group – Wildfire Protection Unit

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Wildfires are inevitable in Santa Barbara County.  Wildfire damage is not!

AIG Private Client Group’s Wildfire Protection Unit® is the first-ever personal wildfire protection program. Unlike the actions of a fire department, we aim to pre-empt damage before wildfires have even developed.  The Wildfire Protection Unit is a complimentary service for AIG Private Client Group policyholde

How It Works  

The Wildfire Protection Unit is not a private fire department; it’s a loss mitigation service designed to pre-empt damage well before a wildfire even ignites.

Through an exclusive partnership with Firebreak Rapid Response, LLC, an industry leader in wildfire mitigation, we offer:

At-home consultation
The Wildfire Mitigation Specialists will visit your property (by appointment only), identify any areas of wildfire exposure and advise you on the best course of action to safeguard your home.

If your home has brush exposure, they will apply Phos-Chek® around the perimeter of your home.  If needed, any dry brush around the perimeter of your property will also be sprayed, providing protection for the duration of wildfire season.  Phos-Chek® is environmentally friendly, dries clearly and washes off with a hose or heavy rain.

Emergency Response During an Active Fire
If a wildfire comes within three miles of your property, we will automatically dispatch the Wildfire Protection Unit trucks. Access permitting, our specialists will spray fire retardant on all brush, your home, outbuildings and other combustible areas of your property, including landscaping.

AIG’s Commitment to Wildfire Mitigation

AIG is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our policyholders.  While they are not a fire department, their response team is comprised entirely of professional firefighters.  All have received qualifications and training from state-certified fire academies.  The team is lead by Chief Sam DiGiovana, a 30 year veteran and for fire chief for the Monrovia Fire Department in Los Angeles.

Every effort is made to obtain real-time information on fire lines and threat levels.  Accordingly, they make every effort to reach enrolled policyholders during active wildfires.

Not Yet a Policy Holder?

The Wildfire Protection Unit is available to AIG Private Client Group policy holders only.  This service is just one example of their unique approach to personal property and liability insurance.  To find out what we can do for you, call us at 805-563-0400 or email