Christmas Letter 2015

Dear friends,

Traditions are an important part of our holiday season. Some traditions are shared by many of us and some are meaningful only to our individual families.

Each year I purchase several 1-lb. boxes of See’s bridge mix for my family. This tradition started some years ago after my Dad passed away.

Dad would take us kids to the local Sears store on Friday nights. Back then you could buy anything from Sears. Sears had a candy counter back then and he always bought us a 1/4-lb. of bridge mix before heading off to the tool department. We kids were delighted to wander through the toy aisles, happily enjoying our candy.

In early fall, the Sears Christmas catalog arrived by mail! After carefully examining the toy section, my siblings and I artfully drew attention to the toys we desired by the following means:

  • leaving the catalog open on the coffee table.
  • folding the catalog pages to the right toys.
  • adding arrows with a black marker.

Each Christmas season, when I purchase the bridge mix, I am transported back to my childhood and the aisles of the local Sears store.

Wish your Christmas traditions will bring you fond memories.