Many insurance carriers have begun to display more scrutiny when providing homeowners insurance coverage in high fire risk areas. As a result, homeowners as well as business owners in California who live or do business in high-fire-risk areas may face increased premiums, coverage limitations, or even non-renewal of their policies. Here are some strategies to help you when navigating these complexities:

Demonstrating that you have taken steps to reduce your home’s fire risk may help you appear more attractive or “insurable” to insurers. These measures may include, for example:

  • Using fire-resistant materials
  • Trimming or removing trees or bushes that are less than 10 feet from the structure.
  • Removing debris and/or clearing the property surrounding your structure of any brush for at least 100 feet or more. (Keep in mind that some ground covers such as bark or wood chip materials may also be flammable and should be removed to at least 5 feet from the structure).
  • Installing fire suppression systems.

We Are Different

Omnia Insurance & Risk Solutions is a brokerage that offers multiple options and products from all over the globe to help you find the best products to fit your needs. We are not bound to any one insurance company. Our loyalty is to you, our valued client. And our mission is to diligently search the insurance marketplace to identify and present the products you need to protect and insure your risks.

Different insurers assess risk differently and many “captive” agents are forced to only offer a handful of products from the companies they represent. This is not in the best interest of our community or our clients.

To help our policyholders protect their properties from the threat of wildfires, many of our carriers have contracted with Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc. It is an important part of Omnia’s wildfire strategy to help you protect what matters and offer specialized services to our community and our clients.

Download the Santa Barbara County Personal Wildfire Action Plan